Environment setup

< Callout type = "info" > If you don't want to build Namada from source you can install Namada from binaries. Note that building from source can be a difficult process and is not recommended for beginners. < /Callout>

Export the following variables:

export NAMADA_TAG=v0.31.6

Installing Namada

< Steps >

Install all pre-requisites

Clone namada repository and checkout the correct versions

git clone https://github.com/anoma/namada && cd namada && git checkout $NAMADA_TAG

Build binaries

make install
  • There may be some additional requirements you may have to install (linux):
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install build-essential make pkg-config libssl-dev libclang-dev -y
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

< /Steps>

Installing CometBFT

< Steps >

See the installing CometBFT section here for instructions on how to install CometBFT.

Copy both the namada and CometBFT binaries to somewhere on $PATH (or use the relative paths). This step may or may not be necessary.

  • namada binaries can be found in /target/release
  • CometBFT is likely in $HOME/Downloads/cometbft < /Steps>

Check ports

< Steps >

Open ports on your machine:

  • 26656
  • 26657

To check if ports are open you can setup a simple server and curl the port from another host

  • Inside the namada folder, run
{ printf 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n' "$(wc -c < namada)"; cat namada; } | nc -l $PORT
  • From another host run one of the two commands:
    • nmap $IP -p$PORT
    • curl $IP:$PORT >/dev/null

Verifying your installation

  • Make sure you are using the correct CometBFT version
    • cometbft version should output 0.37.2
  • Make sure you are using the correct Namada version
    • namada --version should output Namada v0.31.6

< /Steps>