An Introduction to Namada Addresses
All accounts in Namada have a unique address, exactly one Validity Predicate and optionally any additional data in its dynamic storage sub-space.
There are currently 3 types of account addresses:
- Implicit: An implicit account is derived from your keypair and can be used to authorize certain transactions from the account. Implicit accounts have no code attached to them, and can only have one key controlling it. This differs it from established accounts, which can support multiple keys.
- Established: An established account is a associated with one or more cryptographic keys. Each account has the
predicate which validate any associated transaction. The main purpose of this code is to ensure that the multisignature threshold is correctly met and stores the keys that verify transactions. All established accounts will be initialized through on-chain transactions, unlike implicit accounts, which exist as soon as the keypair is generated. - Internal: Special internal accounts, such as protocol parameters account, PoS and IBC.
Manage keypairs
Namada uses ed25519 (opens in a new tab) keypairs for signing cryptographic operations on the blockchain.
To manage your keys, various sub-commands are available under:
namada wallet --help
Generate a keypair
It is possible to generate keys using the CLI. By doing so, an implicit account address is also derived in the process and added to storage.
Note the use of the placeholder keysha
for the key parameter. This is a completely configurable parameter, and should just refer to the alias of the key signing the transaction (that has a positive nam balance).
namada wallet gen --alias $KEY_ALIAS
The derived implicit address shares the same keysha
alias. The previous command has the same effect as namada wallet gen --alias keysha
By default, the keys are stored encrypted. The encryption password is not a part of key generation randomness.
Namada wallet supports keypair generation using a mnemonic code (opens in a new tab) and HD derivation path (opens in a new tab). To generate a keypair for a default path use
namada wallet gen --alias $KEY_ALIAS --hd-path default
The default HD path for Namada is m/44'/877'/0'/0'/0'
Optionally, the user may specify an additional passphrase that is used as a part of keypair generation randomness.
WARNING: Keep your mnemonic code and passphrase safe. Loss of any of them would inevitably lead to impossible account recovery.
Restore the keypair
To recover the keypair from your mnemonic code and passphrase use
namada wallet derive --alias keysha --hd-path default
This will ask you to then enter a passphrase (unless you add the --unsafe-dont-encrypt
and then will ask you to enter your mnemonic code.
List all known keys
namada wallet list --keys
Manage addresses
To manage addresses, similar to keys, various sub-commands are available:
namada wallet --help
Generate an implicit address
Let's call the implicit address accountant
namada wallet gen --alias accountant
namada wallet gen --alias keysha --hd-path default
generates an address using a mnemonic code (opens in a new tab) and HD derivation path (opens in a new tab).
Restore the address
namada wallet derive --alias keysha --hd-path default
List all known addresses
namada wallet list --addr