Voting for Stewards and PGF proposals

Voting for stewards and PGF proposals

Voting for stewards

Any user is allowed (and encouraged) to vote for potential PGF stewards. Once the steward has submitted their proposal to the ledger, the community can vote on it. The voting process is the same as for any other proposal, but the proposal type is StewardProposal.

The CLI command for voting for a steward is:

namada client vote-proposal \
    --proposal-id <proposal-id-of-steward-proposal> \
    --vote yay \
    --signing-keys <your-alias>

In order to vote against the proposal, replace yay with nay.

Voting for PGF proposals

Similarly, the command for voting for PGF proposals is:

namada client vote-proposal \
    --proposal-id <proposal-id-of-steward-proposal> \
    --vote yay \
    --signing-keys <your-alias>